Acne Skin Care Tips
Remarkably, there are quite a number of misconceptions about acne skin care that may seem logical, yet at the same time are quite untrue. They can even make acne worse.
Take, for example, the belief that an afflicted person must regularly wash his face several times a day using a facial scrub to get rid of acne. In reality, this has a logical appeal but is nevertheless a very unwise solution that can further aggravate the problem. This action may trigger the spreading of acne to other parts of the facial tissue. Take note, however, that acne thrives in the deeper layers of the skin. But overzealous washing and scrubbing can weaken the skin, as well as dry and damage it.
Moreover, some people decide to use harsh soaps in an attempt to get rid of harmful bacteria. Over-drying the skin can actually encourage the pores to increase oil production.
Acne cannot be treated fully, but there are several acne skin care methods that may help prevent a major acne outbreak:
Taking showers is far more advisable than taking regular baths, as a continuous flow of water from the shower is helpful in opening the skin pores, and washing the dirt. It has been established that those who shower and thoroughly rinse their body are able to remove more oily cells and dead skin cells. If you bath in a tub however, the pustule infections may transfer to other parts of your skin and may create a new acne outbreak.
Making use of a wash cloth may provide a chance for the spread of acne infections over the face. It is more advisable to use a soft wash cloth and avoid vigorous face washing or forceful rubbing. Another thing that dermatologists recommend is washing the face before entering the shower, or using a different was cloth for your body, to prevent the spread of acne infections to other parts of the body.
Doctors also recommend you ensure that in washing your hair, the shampoo doesn't get in contact with your face, or on the sensitive areas that are starting to show symptoms of being infected with acne.
A small amount of hydrogen peroxide must be dissolved in the bath tub to kill bacteria that are present in the pores as they open.
When washing your face, use the hottest water that you can stand, as it opens the skin pores better, and helps kils the bacteria that thrive within. It may also dissolve some of the plugged oil. In general, mild soaps may prove useful, but specific soaps for treating acne may help decrease your pimples significantly.
It is also recommended that an acne-afflicted person take two showers daily, following the guidelines that are mentioned above. Preferably, a shower in the morning and in the evening. However, if this cannot be done, it is advisable to wash your face twice a day.
The best option for an acne-prone person is to keep his pores open to prevent an outbreak of acne. To do this, you must wash your face on a regular basis, but not too often. Making use of wipes or washing the affected area may be helpful also.
Any acne-affected parts of your skin must not be exposed to sunlight. However if this cannot be avoided, it is best for you to apply sunscreens to save your skin from potential infections.
Good hygiene should be followed.
The best acne tips need good quality skin care to be effective. If you want more information on natural skin care solutions, click here.